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Working in the ArcSight Console - Navigating

       The primary principle of navigating in the ArcSight Console is to use the Navigator panel to locate and manage security resources, and the Viewer and Inspect/Edit panels to analyze resource data and view or adjust the attributes of the resources producing the data.

Figure : The Navigator panel showing the Dashboards resource tree

Using the Navigator panel consists of:
  Choosing a resource tree from the drop-down list.
 Expanding (+) and collapsing (-) resource groups to locate particular subgroups or individual resources. (You can also use the keyboard right arrow key to expand and left arrow key to collapse the Navigator resource trees.)
 Right-clicking groups or individual resources to choose from their context menus.
 Using the Viewer or Inspect/Edit panels to see or act on the results of the context menu commands. The resources available to you in the Navigator panel can be affected by your user type. As a suggestion, browsing the resource trees established for your enterprise is a very good way to become familiar with both your environment and the ArcSight Console's capabilities.

Navigator Panel Resource Tree

Using SmartFolders
ArcSight has special, automatically maintained folders to track the results of your case searches or to track your currently selected replay rules and currently running reports. When you create them, these folders appear just below the root of each resource type in the Navigator, prefixed with your ArcSight user name.

Creating a Case-Search SmartFolder
To create a case-search SmartFolder:
1 Right-click a folder in the Cases tree and choose New Search Group in the context menu to open the Search Group Editor.
2 Use the Editor to define a search that updates dynamically each time a change occurs to one of your cases. A given group contains the result of this search when it is applied to those cases.

Creating a Reports SmartFolder
The Reports tree in the Navigator panel shows a folder for each user name and the suffix "Reports." These folders list the reports that user is applying, and the right-click context menu offers the commands available for those reports. These folders are maintained automatically and you cannot change them. You can use this feature to control report runs. For example, if a report is running too long and you would like to end it, right-click it and choose Stop Report.

Editing Groups
You can group resource types in the Navigator panel to help you organize and manage them. Groups can also be hierarchical, resulting in "trees" of resources. Apart from the characteristics of the resources involved, such as assets or vulnerabilities, each group identity has certain properties you can edit in the Group Editor. Editing a Group To edit a group:
1 In the Navigator panel, right-click a resource group and choose Edit Group.
2 In the Group Editor, click the Value fields for the group attributes you want to change.
3 Click Apply to put your changes into effect but leave the editor open. Click OK to apply your changes and also close the editor. Fields containing system information (like Creation Time) are not editable. See “Reference Pages” on page 973 for more about using the Group Page and Member's Page fields. See “Scheduling Jobs” on page 989 for information about scheduling tasks or "jobs" for reports (individually or by group), rules, or pattern discovery snapshots.

Categories Tab
The Group Editor for groups in the Assets tab of the Assets resource tree has an additional Categories tab. This tab has two sub panels: Local Asset Categories and Inherited Asset Categories. "Local" shows assets that are explicitly assigned to categories. "Inherited" shows assets whose category connections are presumptions based on a parent's group or a simple asset-range association.

Batch Editing
You can make common edits to multiple case or SmartConnector resources by selecting a set of either type in the Navigator panel and changing their common fields in the Case or Connector Editor.

Batch-Editing Cases or Connectors
To batch-edit cases or connectors:
1 Ctrl+click or Shift+click to select a set of individual cases or SmartConnectors in their respective resource trees in the Navigator panel.
2 Right-click the selected items and choose Edit.
3 Make changes to the appropriate common fields, such as Description or Owner.
4 Click Apply to record your changes and leave the editor open, or click OK to save and close. Saving affects only the fields you have changed, in each of the selected resources. Cases Reminder You can also lock and unlock cases in batches, using the Lock Case checkbox.

SmartConnector Reminders
Batch changes affect only default configurations, not alternates. However, you can add new alternate configurations by batch editing. Note that if you make changes under the Filters tab, the entire tab's contents are saved to the selected SmartConnectors. Only connectors of the same version can be batch-edited. Version is indicated by the color of the connector icons in the resource tree: blue for pre-v2.5 and green for v2.5 or later.

Reconnecting to the Manager

If your ArcSight Console loses its connection to the Manager, a dialog box enables you to Retry the connection, Relogin, or to Cancel the connection. Try these options in this order. A connection to the Manager can't be re-established when the Manager has to be restarted or when a network problem prevents communication with the same Manager. In such cases click Cancel and start the Console again, using an appropriate Manager host name.