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Cluster Policies

A cluster policy is a set of rules that defines the logic by which virtual machines are distributed amongst hosts in the cluster to which that cluster policy is applied. Cluster policies determine this logic via a combination of filters, weightings, and a load balancing policy. While the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager provides four default cluster policies - Evenly_Distributed, None, Power_Saving, and VM_Evenly_Distributed - you can also define new cluster policies that provide fine-grained control over the distribution of virtual machines.

Creating a Cluster Policy

Procedure 2.4. Creating a Cluster Policy

  • Click the Configure button in the header bar of the Administration Portal to open the Configure window.
  • Click Cluster Policies to view the cluster policies tab.
  • Click New to open the New Cluster Policy window.
The New Cluster Policy Window
  • Enter a Name and Description for the cluster policy
  • Configure filter modules:.

  1. In the Filter Modules section, drag and drop the preferred filter modules to apply to the cluster policy from the Disabled Filters section into the Enabled Filters section.
  2. Specific filter modules can also be set as the First, to be given highest priority, or Last, to be given lowest priority, for basic optimization.

  • Configure weight modules:

  1. In the Weights Modules section, drag and drop the preferred weights modules to apply to the cluster policy from the Disabled Weights section into the Enabled Weights & Factors section.
  2. Use the + and - buttons to the left of the enabled weight modules to increase or decrease the weight of those modules.

  • Specify a load balancing policy:

  1. From the drop-down menu in the Load Balancer section, select the load balancing policy to apply to the cluster policy.
  2. From the drop-down menu in the Properties section, select a load balancing property to apply to the cluster policy and use the text field to the right of that property to specify a value.
  3. Use the + and - buttons to add or remove additional properties.

  • Click OK.